Marketing Your Business

Marketing Your Business

You probably want to know where we will market your business.

We embrace a three-pronged approach:

  1. Internet Marketing – using social media
  2. Independently maintained websites directing buyers to businesses for sale
  3. Making use of our customer buyer database

Utilizing this three-pronged approach allows us to reach, engage, and educate interested individuals, venture capitalists, businesses, and private companies. Our protected and curated email database contains actively interested parties that have encouraged us to email them when a business is available for purchase. After communicating, we field a large amount of requests for more information. This is the point where we can start tying together the paths needed to close the agreement and get you the selling situation that best suits your needs.


Website Design & Development

  • Expert Website Consultation
  • Redesigning and Maintaining Websites
  • E-commerce Website Designing with
    Shopify and ClickFunnels
  • Thorough Website Auditing, Maintenance, and Updates
  • Efficient Website Migration

SEO Services

  • Thorough Competitor Analysis
  • In-depth Keyword Research
  • Optimizing Each Page/Post for SEO
  • Improved Indexing
  • Effective Image SEO Strategies
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization

Paid Ads and Lead Generation

  • Ad Campaign Strategy
  • Strategic Platform Selection
  • Ad Creation & Copywriting
  • Audience Targeting
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization

Brand Strategy

  • Creating Brand Identity
  • Establishing Brand Guidelines, Messaging, and Positioning
  • Logo and Brand colors
  • Identifying a Target Market
  • Brand Expert Audit

Email Marketing

  • Email Campaign Strategy
  • Engaging Email Design & copywriting
  • Lead Nurturing & Retention Strategy
  • List Building & Segmentation
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization

Organic Social Media Marketing

  • Strategic content planning 
  • Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, & TikTok posts & captions
  • Effective Engagement tactics to grow followers 
  • Hashtag Research & optimization
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization

Content Creation

  • Scriptwriting and Copywriting Services
  • Social Media static content
  • Social Media video content Editing and Creation
  • Podcast Development and Editing Expertise
  • Materials Editing Videos and Animations

Influencer Marketing

  • Influencer Research & Selection
  • Outreach & Collaboration
  • Campaign Strategy and Planning
  • Relationship Management
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization